From the reading on Teaching Emotional Intelligence in the Business School Curriculum and from my testing results I realized that in general emotions could give you a headache. I believe what Peter Drucker said, that self-management is the primary skill for success at work. It is something you develop on your own. There are a lot of steps, but you need to learn self-awareness and how to change behaviors and feelings if necessary. It is important to interact with others and explore to find out your answers. It is nice, for you have your data in front of your from just interacting and managing your self on a daily basis.
I wish we had a Self-management course like Quinnipiac University. I feel like those who would take the class seriously can get a lot out of it. It is a great learning experience to find out about you, your achievements, ways of conducting conflicts, opens your awareness of behavior, and others.
From my results on this test I was in the 87th percentile. These test fascinate me, they really get you thinking about how you break situations down in your head. Most of the time, the answer you receive can be very close to who you really are. I learned that intelligent people have an easy time overcoming situations and their able to control their moods. But can you really say this? Everyone is different but there are also sayings that some intelligent people don’t have common sense and vice versa. In the end, going through this 106 questing test and reading my results and the reading got me thinking about how I act. I am very friendly and can deal with others emotions but I am learning more and more about emotions and how to handle certain situations in pointing out (in addition) certain flaws that I have, that I can work on to help improve my situations I face in my daily life. Improving my flaws and working to become more confident on my emotions it will lead me to success later in life. Getting out in the real world after college you work with people and their personalities that might not always match yours. Not being set in a classroom can open your eyes to new learning experiences and can only help you as a person.
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